Reclaiming play, creative expression and feminine power through authentic vulnerability

Archive for December, 2012

Tapping in


Gratefully tapping into the grounding and healing energy of the Earth by simply sitting on a large granite rock.

I feel this energy hold me and ground me.

And I feel the sun reach down to support and enliven me.

I’m grateful for this support.

And through it my Knowing switches on.

I am a part of everything.

There is no reason to play small anymore.

I’m supported in all of my choices.

And so are you.

Own it.
Live it.
Know it.
Feel it.
And truly be in your power.

You are loved.
– Jaime Abalone Woman Lyerly

Honoring your own cycles

Phase of the moon

My mentor and friend Veronicah Cohen of Shaman Priestess said to me a few days ago something like “You are very cyclical in your energy.” And it was like a POW! She is right.

I get really inspired and on fire. I burn bright. I create. I post. I dance/move with ease. I am “out there” in the world.

Then I stop. I lay down under the covers. I watch YouTube and read/ Then I rest. Sometimes I stagnate. Procrastinate. Then I think. I dream. I am in my cave.

Understanding that I have cycles of create and release, and then pulling inward to be by myself and to not create is a powerful realization. It helps me to release judgement when I am not productive.

Our society is based on PRODUCTION.

If you aren’t producing, and a the rate that others want you to produce, then you are “unworthy.” And that is bullshit.

This is especially true for artists. I have had heard many times, if you don’t make art, you aren’t an artist.

This is also bullshit.

I am an artist in my bones. I create from my core. From what is flowing out of my hands, my heart, my mind, and in response to what I see, feel, touch, and know.

And sometimes that creative flow slows down. Sometimes it stops. Sometimes you need a lull in production so that you can recreate you. To switch and become the artist and creator and person you are meant to be.

I believe Osho was the one who said something like to be an artist, you must paint for 15 years. And then you spend 15 years not painting. And then you truly know how to paint.

It thought very deeply about that when I shifted from painting in encaustic (hot beeswax painting) because I lost the studio space to work in that medium. I haven’t painted in encaustic since May 2011. That is a long time to not work in the medium that calls to your heart. But I am shifting to embrace whatever it is that flows from me.

I am “Living by the Light of the Moon” as my astrology teacher Beatrex Quntanna says and getting more in touch with my own cycles, the cycles of the moon through her amazing Moon Book and Moon Class. By honoring my own cycles of rest and production, and syncing them up with the phases of the moon, the creation flows out of me with more ease and grace.

So my Expressive Dare for you is to honor your own cycles. Are you in an active phase of doing, creating, producing? Or are you in a more internal phase of being, resting, dreaming? Both are valid. Both are powerful.

Share with me below on how you honor your own energetic cycles. ~ Jaime Abalone Woman Lyerly